All this questions always pop up and I cant stop thinking of it.
Am I a good person? Yes.
Am I a good mother lately? Nope.
Am I a good wife 9 years ago? Yes.
Do I proud of myself lately? Nope.
Do I look happy lately? Nope.
Do I know what I want to do now? Nope.
Do I drink a lot of alcohol lately? Yes.
Do I work? Yes, 4 different kind of jobs.
Do I get tired? Yes. Very tired.
Do I always blame myself? Yes, I do.
Do I love My kids? Yes.
Do I think for myself? Nope.
Do I hate myself? Yes.
Do I worried a lot? Yes, very much.
Why I always so negative? I don't know why.
Why I always angry or cry? because I'm not happy.
I guess... enough is enough. I need to stop torturing myself with all this crap.
Finally, we signed our divorced paper. The End!
Here is my new chapter of my life now....
Am I brave enough ? Yes.
I'm brave enough to face this divorcing. Its really painful but now I really get over it.
Do I proud of myself now? Yes.
All this years I have been working hard with what I do. Doesn't really matter what kind of job I work with. I always do my very best.
What is my biggest fears?
No home, no job or what to do without my kids.
What is my plan now?
I need to remind myself to stick to my plan and move on.
I might find someone I like.. HAHAHA, yeah,right! That is not in my plan yet!
My plan is to work x3,time for kids and traveling.
Its time for backpacking and do whatever I like. :D
What makes me happy now is..
I know I always have my family and friends surrounding me with a lot of advice.
Appreciate a lot. :D
I will continue to learn and grow with it.
At least I know my problem is not the worse case and I'm glad! :)
------------------Karin is crap---THE END--------------------------------------------